Friday, April 1, 2011

Feature This!

As some of you may begin to realize I am an avid sports fan, and by avid, I mean obsessed. So when shooting sports, I was pretty comfortable and did not have many problems. Now on to the current assignment, the feature shooting, which gave me problems and also put me WAY out of my comfort zone!

In shooting the feature assignment, we needed to take pictures of a scheduled event and a rover. A rover is described as driving around and taking a picture of something that is going on that may be interesting, such as construction on the new roads or a person walking their pet snake.
For the planned event, I thought going the circus on March 27 at the Seagate Centre, which I thought was a success. The lighting was a very dim which caused a problem but I believe I was over to overcome that for the most part. One thing I did notice with my pictures, as in the sports assignment, is that if I want to get better pictures, I need to purchase a bigger lens so I can get more detail.

During the entire experience, I not only was treated as a professional photographer by being treated kindly by everyone I encountered but I also was able to get some decent pictures.
Carlos, the tiger trainer, tries to tame one of the six 'big cats' before it tames him. Although the tigers were obedient, they were times like this one where they challenged their trainer.

Martine, left, puts on a blindfold while his partner Edgar holds the wheel in place. Martine was able to do a complete circle on the wheel while blindfolded.

The Preciado family works together to succeed in catching each other while they fly through the air. The flying trapeze artists were a big hit at the circus and performed flawlessly.
Kevin Whitmore, 26, takes a rather large branch out to the street. Says Kevin, "now that it's warm out, I can finally clean up the ruins that the winter left in my yard."

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